بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem
monday 4:37 pm houston
...I have three pieces of advice for you... based on my experience and what came afterwards.
- Surely, Allah is with the sabireen. If you strongly fear that you will not have sabr with whatever may come, then do not go. The Muslims I met in Filisteen have such patience that they inspired and humbled me. What they go through is extraordinary to hear about, and if you stay in al Quds as I did, you will only witness a tiny portion of their ordeal. So only go if you are ready to try and be as patient as them.
- In the time of RasoolAllah, sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam, a pious man did not make the journey to meet him and make bayah, yet RasoolAllah sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam praised him and told Omar radi Allaho anho that that man's dua would be accepted. What was the extraordinary activity of that man that he could be so loved by Allah, and yet have not traveled to meet the Prophet Muhammad, sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam? The man stayed in Yemen to care for his ailing mother, and the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam died before the mother's illness ended.
If your parents need you to be with them, or if they would cry over your travel, do not go. There are many hadith narrated by Sh. Waleed Basyouni in his lecture, "Parents, the Middle Gate of Jannah," that support this position. WAllaho 'Alim, I believe if I had heard the lecture and been softened by it before this summer, then I may have not gone to al Quds given the extreme fears of my parents. - If neither of those considerations stop you, make istikhara no matter whether you have reached a decision or are still undecided. In "Rays of Faith," Sh. Basyouni taught us that istikhara is not just for issues in which you are undecided, but even for decisions in which you are firm. InshaAllah, making istikhara should relieve you of stress and doubt because whatever happens, you will know that it is best for you in this life and in the next.
And if there is any error in what I have said, then it came only from me, and I ask Allah subhanahu wata ala to forgive me for it, and remove from your path any harm from it. And if there is good in it, then it is from the Mercy of Allah, and may He forgive me for whatever of it I have not acted on, and may He increase the good of it for you, for me, and for the ummah.
السلام عليكم
as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah,
Baraak allahu feekum akhi-
Alhamdullilah I stumbled upon this blog and could not leave it w/o reading all the posts. This comment is intended to appreciate all the effort that has been poured into this exorbitant site. Jazakallahu khayrun for I cannot repay you enough for sharing this spiritual journey and the lessons it entailed with me. Allah is able to reward the person best and I sincerely pray He rewards you immensely in this duniya and akhirah. May He grant you the ability to work for His sake alone and keep your intentions pure till your last breath.
I lack works to express my gratitude to you therefore pray for you instead. Verily your reward is with Allah and no one else. May this comment encourage you to coninue with the khayr with His guidance. I pray Allah gives me the taufiq to visit Masjid al Aqsa as He has granted me the honor to visit the other two sacred cities. If I am unable to then I have no complain for I was able to benefit from your journey. Upon reading post after post and viewing the magnificent sites I was left with no other alternative but to cry. Walahi I wept profusely while reading each post. For this reason I am grateful and am writing. I pray these tears have not shed in vain and I can benefit from the words of wisdom shared. I cannot discern whether it was the sincerity of your intentions, the trials we face in the duniya, the barakah at these sites, or the hardships of our Muslims you captured that caused me to remember my Lord and hence the tears flowed. Once again May Allah bless you and your family and give you shade on the day there is no shade except by His will. I have failed to to acknowledge your work with the right it deserves but inshallah in front of Allah I pray this 'amal causes you to receive your book in your right hand.
bismillah wa alaykumus salam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuhu, wa eeyaakum, wa laka BarakAllah.
when the Muslim prays for his brother, the angels pray for the one who prayed. ameen to your duat, and may Allah accept the sadaqah you have offered me.
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