
My Amazing Umrah,
ma sha Allah!

Alhamdolillah. All praise is for Allah, Who permitted His slave to travel across the earth, Who provided for him who had no means and no power of his own. May He Forgive the mistakes of His slave and reduce the harm of them. And may He be pleased with His slave, and increase the good of his good deeds. Ameen.

The Holy Masjid in Makkah, no place holier! Picture from Hajj 1426 (January, 2006)

if you're making dua for me...

monday 6:10 pm Amman
a small number of people have this blog info, alhamdolillah, and if you happen to see this entry before any follow-up, then please make dua for me:
no one knows his destiny until it happens, but Allah subhanahu wata ala is the One Who Advances and the One Who Delays, and His is the Best of Plans. He Knows, Sees, and Hears All. through dua a person may ask Allah subhanahu wata ala to improve his destiny. so i ask Allah subhanahu wata ala to make my destiny good for me and for my family, inshaAllah, in this life, on the Day of Judgment, and in the life to come.

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Masjid an-Nabi in Madinah, the second holiest masjid! Also from Hajj 1426 (January, 2006)