wednesday 4:30 am Riyadh
inshaAllah, four hours left till my flight back to Washington. i left Amman yesterday at about 7 pm (flight delayed), alhamdolillah.
my layover in Riyadh will be about 12 hours in all, inshaAllah. transit has been fairly smooth if at times a bit disconcerting.
i identified myself as a transit passenger when i arrived. there were several security/baggage screenings, all very courteous.
but at one point, one person walked off with my luggage tags (which had been separated from my ticket), another had my ticket, and a third had my passport, while i was left alone with a guard at a screening.
but Allah Ho Musta'an, alayhi tawakkalto. my transit check-in completed while typing this entry, alhamdolillah, and now i am just waiting for boarding. the hospitality i received has been excellent, alhamdolillah.
they broadcast the adhan at the airport here, and alhamdolillah i had been resting at the musalla. so i had the tawfiq to make Fajr in jamat, alhamdolillah.
la ilaha illAllah. His Mercy is beyond the scope of human imagination, and He is always Merciful.
wednesday 5:30 am Riyadh
tip: if you find yourself in the Riyadh airport, stop at a "Twisters" juice bar. i had the Twist of the day, and it was very fresh and even more tasty than i had expected.
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