
My Amazing Umrah,
ma sha Allah!

Alhamdolillah. All praise is for Allah, Who permitted His slave to travel across the earth, Who provided for him who had no means and no power of his own. May He Forgive the mistakes of His slave and reduce the harm of them. And may He be pleased with His slave, and increase the good of his good deeds. Ameen.

The Holy Masjid in Makkah, no place holier! Picture from Hajj 1426 (January, 2006)

Questions :-)

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem -- (I begin) in the Name of Allah, the most Merciful (the One Whose Mercy transcends by far what anyone else can imagine), the always Merciful (the One Who is Merciful at all times).

Alhamdolillahi Rabbil 'aalameen -- Praise is for Allah (alone), the Lord of all the universe.

Now that I have finally uploaded all the posts, pictures, and video from my Umrah, I have started to get some questions.

At least when the questions are those which other people may ask, I intend to post the questions and answers here in the blog. If you have a question you'd like to ask, you can:

(1) e-mail me if you know my e-mail address -- but I will probably just post your question and my answer here.

(2) or click on this link "post your question."

(3) or you can use the link at the end of the post -- right now it reads "0 comments." Every post has a link like that, and you can submit your questions or comments directly to the post that interests you.

A few questions have been submitted already. So as soon as I have written answers to them, inshaAllah, I will post them.

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Masjid an-Nabi in Madinah, the second holiest masjid! Also from Hajj 1426 (January, 2006)