
My Amazing Umrah,
ma sha Allah!

Alhamdolillah. All praise is for Allah, Who permitted His slave to travel across the earth, Who provided for him who had no means and no power of his own. May He Forgive the mistakes of His slave and reduce the harm of them. And may He be pleased with His slave, and increase the good of his good deeds. Ameen.

The Holy Masjid in Makkah, no place holier! Picture from Hajj 1426 (January, 2006)

out for a walk

wednesday 11:30 pm Jerusalem

today i walked through part of the arab quarter of jerusalem, just
outside the old city, in search of a dry cleaner. i eventually found
one -- no low prices: 25NIS (about $6US) for laundry of one thawb,

but it was nice to walk down salah-ud-deen street. i also had some
awesome falafel, and i might have found arestaurant that serves
"fatah." if i find that delicious soupy mash, i will definitely post a
pic, inshaAllah.

i also found a muslim cemetary.

but i spent most of my time in the library and prayer hall of al Aqsa.
the location of the library is at the front of the old hall of the
masjid where the Prophet sull Allaho alayhi wa sallam led all the
prophets (may peace be upon them) in salat.

that is appropriate because scholars are the inheritors of the
prophets, may Allah be pleased with them. for someone with as little
knowledge as i have, and as much of a craving for it, places like this
library are beautiful gardens.

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Masjid an-Nabi in Madinah, the second holiest masjid! Also from Hajj 1426 (January, 2006)